Bearkats Get Hired
Looking for a part time job, internship or even a full time job? Bearkats Get Hired partners with employers on and off campus to offer special opportunities for students at Sam Houston State University.
Resumés & Cover Letters
Templates, guides and resume review services are offered through SHSU Career Services.
Career Assessments
The Career Success Center offers a thorough, reliable, intuitive career & education decision making model to help you choose majors offered at SHSU, explore occupations & make informed career decisions through the use of FOCUS 2.
Visit the Career Success Center's Assessments page to learn more about FOCUS 2
Online Mock Interviews
The mock interviews you need to prepare for that big job interview coming up- now available online!
Career Fairs
Network and market yourself to potential employers with the various career fairs the SHSU Career Success Center hosts.