On May 14, 2020, SHSU's Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Richard Eglsaer, outlined a strategy for launching the Fall 2020 Semester. In consultation with the Council of Academic Deans, the Provost has urged the use of Blackboard as the “hub” for the following essential course elements:
- Syllabus
- Course Communication
- Course Schedule and Calendar
- Attendance Monitoring
- Grade Book
- Online Office Hours
SHSU Online is committed to the faculty’s success in creating an efficacious learning experience for students in Blackboard. Services and support are being provided on an ongoing basis to assist faculty with the six essential course elements listed above.
- Instructional Design & Course Development
A minimum of one instructional designer has been assigned to each college to provide course development and pedagogical support for blended, remote, and online courses in Blackboard.
- 24/7 Support Desk for Technical Troubleshooting for Blackboard courses
This call center provides around the clock support to faculty and students via email and phone. This is a good place to get immediate help for blended, remote, or online courses.
- Hybrid Training Webinars and Online Certifications
All faculty, especially those who have not participated in past training opportunities, should complete appropriate training to be prepared for the fall. Each week, SHSU Online is hosting Zoom webinars focusing specifically on the six essential course elements outlined above.
- Video & Multimedia Production
Educational video production, digitization of media, hosting video media, and guest lecture recordings for online courses. Local recording studio and sound booth are observing social distancing.
A Fall 2020 Readiness site has also been created. The purpose of the site is to synthesize and summarize information from various Provost memos and letters about fall courses. The site pools together into one place the discrete requirements for Blended/Hybrid courses that will be implemented in the fall. In the event of another transition to emergency remote courses, the SHSU Online Instructional Continuity Guide will provide additional resources to faculty.
Please visit the Fall 2020 Readiness page and contact us today!