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Fall 2020 Readiness

Up-to-date Post-COVID Info
View SHSU's COVID-19 information page for the most up-to-date information regarding post-COVID-related protocols.

On May 14th 2020, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Richard Eglsaer, outlined a strategy for launching the Fall 2020 Semester.

Fall 2020 - August 1 Launch Date

  • To reduce density on campus, the majority of fall courses originally scheduled as face-to-face will be delivered instead in a hybrid or blended modality.
  • Although the official start of the Fall 2020 semester is scheduled for August 17, all courses, including online, hybrid, and blended will become available to students in Blackboard by August 1.

What is required to be in Blackboard by August 1?

In consultation with the Provost and the Council of Academic Deans, Blackboard will serve as the uniform repository for course materials and student communication. By August 1, 2020, every course, independent of delivery modality, will need the following elements:

  1. Course Syllabus or Course Information: The Provost has requested that by August 1, all courses, regardless of delivery modality, either have the syllabus posted, OR, at least a welcome with an overview of the course format.
  2. Selected Hybrid Model: An overview of the course format is required to be posted in Blackboard by August 1. Please include clear instructions for when students are to meet on campus and when classes will be held remotely.
  3. Attendance Policy: Given the uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus, faculty will establish clear guidelines regarding attendance and inform their students of their policy. Please see "Attendance Guidelines" on the sidebar.

What is required to be in Blackboard once the term officially begins (August 17)?

By the official launch of the term on August 17, all courses must leverage Blackboard for essential course elements. It will be vital to follow best practices that will allow SHSU students to quickly adjust to changing conditions while maintaining course continuity. These best practices include using the University LMS (Blackboard) as the hub for the following elements:

  • Syllabus
  • Course Communication 
  • Course Schedule and Calendar
  • Attendance Monitoring 
  • Grade Center ("My Grades" for students)
  • Online Office Hours

There are a variety of tools in Blackboard to manage the six essential elements listed above. To assist you, SHSU Online will be providing ongoing training, instructional design support, and a 24/7 technical call center.

SHSU Online Support Services

SHSU Online is committed to faculty members' success in creating an efficacious learning experience for their students in Blackboard.

Student Support


Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter P, RULE §4.257

  1. Online/Distance Education: The formal educational process that occurs when students and instructors are not in the same physical setting for the majority (more than 50 percent) of instruction.
  2. Online/Distance Education Course: A course in which a majority (more than 50 percent) of the instruction occurs when the student(s) and instructor(s) are not in the same place. Two categories of distance education courses are defined:
    1. Fully Online Course: A course where 85% or more of the instruction occurs when the student(s) and instructor(s) are not in the same place. A fully online course may have mandatory face-to-face sessions totaling no more than 15 percent of the instructional time. Examples of face-to-face sessions include orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test.
    2. Hybrid Course: A course in which a majority (more than 50 percent but less than 85 percent), of the planned instruction occurs when the students and instructor(s) are not in the same place.
  3. Remote/Emergency Remote Course: A temporary shift of instructional delivery to an alternate delivery mode due to crisis circumstances. It involves the use of fully remote teaching solutions for instruction, such as Blackboard, to interact with students, take attendance, issue an exam, or collect an assignment. It may also involve the use of web-conferencing software, like Zoom or Bb Collaborate, to host virtual, synchronous lectures in lieu of meeting face-to-face.