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NBC Learn

What is NBC Learn?

NBC Learn is a digital library that contains easy access to thousands of rich, dynamic, and innovative resources that document thousands of historic news reports, current events stories, original content, primary source documents, and other digital media specifically designed to help teach and engage students of all levels and abilities. When you're researching for a project, paper or other assignment NBC Learn might have something for you worth checking out.

What content does it have?

  • Over 10,000 resources aligned to 28 higher education courses.
  • Current Events (updated daily Monday-Friday), which can be used to help connect the real world to the course materials.
  • Materials that support biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, computer sciences, forensic sciences, environment sciences, economics, businesses, nursing, health sciences, and more.
  • Resources that include a full set of bibliographic information including a printable transcript, closed captioning (videos), copyright, source, etc.

How do I use NBC Learn?

NBC Learn can be found in the same Blackboard menu that you already use for your SHSU Online courses. To use NBC Learn, log into Blackboard like you normally would for your course. In the "Tools" menu, you will see an option to "Browse NBC Learn". Clicking this will take you to the NBC Learn site. There's no additional login required, as NBC Learn uses your existing Blackboard login credentials. Once in NBC Learn, you'll see a dropdown menu that allows you to browse or search for content.

You can even make content you find on NBC Learn a part of your assignment submission, discussion, or blog post. Use the "mashup" icon in the Blackboard content editor when submitting your project to accomplish this.

How do I use NBC Learn