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New Trends in Online Education

Digital Education Summit 2024: Where Innovation and Education Converge

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On Friday, September 27, 2024, the 13th Annual Digital Education Summit (DES), held entirely online, featured over 30 dynamic sessions focusing on the future of digital education. Organized by SHSU Online, the summit recorded 550 registrants, with 323 checking into the event hub, and an additional 200 engaged with the recorded sessions.

Spotlight on Keynote

This year's keynote presenter, Phil Hill (@PhilOnEdTech), is a market analyst and consultant specializing in educational technology strategy and organizational change management. As an independent consultant, Phil helps educational institutions, technology and content vendors, and policy makers as they consider and implement new initiatives. In his keynote address, Hill focused on the transformative power of Accessibility and Open Educational Resources (OER). He revealed how these elements can redefine digital education by providing insights into new opportunities for integrating OER and creating accessible spaces for all.

To foster a more engaging and supportive learning environment, Hill encouraged viewers to consider the power of valuable human ideas behind technology. As educators consider real time needs, new opportunities exist to use generative AI to customize learning experiences. Referencing David Wiley, father of OER, Hill shared encouragement with the audience to be open to new ideas from students and instructors and to move from a traditional view of OER to a focus on its transformative potential.

Among the opportunities to improve online education for many, Phil shared results from a recent survey that indicated a staggering 90% of prospective online students are willing to have synchronous meetings in their otherwise asynchronous courses so they can have opportunities to ask faculty questions, and engage in group work, in a live setting. Of particular interest was that this answer reflects a dramatic shift from student responses of the past.


Breakout Bonus

This year's fully online Digital Education Summit featured five different learning tracks and a comprehensive array of over 30 sessions that delved into the future of digital education. As such, DES24 breakout sessions covered technology's influence on student engagement and success, accessible and effective online course design, pedagogy and practice, and much more.

Embracing Global Perspectives

DES24 provided a globally accessible platform with transformative potential. With attendees logging in from various geographic areas, this event was an exceptional opportunity to connect with fellow educators, administrators, and thought leaders from around the world.

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Reflections and Reactions

With a general theme of Accessibility and OER focus for the conference, feedback from those attending the keynote indicated that 100% improved their understanding of the topic, and 94% found the information presented in the keynote was valuable. One respondent shared, "Phil's quote: 'Enrollment drives institutional health' caught my attention. As faculty, my focus tends to be on student learning success, and I need to broaden that perspective. It was encouraging to see data showing online students becoming more interested in a mix of 'Async Format with Sync Sessions' - it is still a challenge, though, to get students to attend live offerings. I was personally challenged to become more familiar with AI."

Summarized feedback from all the breakout sessions indicated that 100% of those attending sessions improved their understanding of session topics, and presenters received an overall 99% satisfaction rating. Feedback received for one particular session, OER Beyond the Freshman Intro Course indicated, "It all was useful! The examples of available platforms let me know what a wealth of OER resources are available that I can even find. The review of OER-Enabled Pedagogy followed by the ideas were helpful to see real-world ways to engage the students for their benefit but also those beyond. I need to explore more of what my college's library can provide in services as well."

Those interested in viewing or revisiting the session recordings can access them from the DES24 event platform. Register though DES24 Post Registration and log in to select a session and view its recording. A further rollout on SHSU Scholarly Works is in development, ensuring greater access and a wider reach.

The Road Ahead

According to Phil Hill, we are at an inflection point in higher education with the potential of generative AI and the ability to link it to OER. By applying new ideas in new ways, instructors can customize a knowledge base, prompts, and instructions for students within projects. With a focus on sharing prompts, along with instructions for using large language models such as Claude, project outputs are based on its customized knowledge base reducing hallucinations, or incorrect or misleading results produced by AI models. According to one attendee, "In higher education it is very important to embrace what Phil calls 'Falling in love with your problem, not your solution'. It is very easy to get stuck in old ways of thinking with larger institutional settings, and we cannot operate on the old parameters anymore."

In Conclusion

Facilitated by the virtual keynote and breakout sessions, DES24 provided an avenue for global attendance resulting in a transformative experience in digital education. A heartfelt thank you to all of the incredible presenters and event staff.

Join us in 2025 as we continue the journey of innovation and exploration in the world of digital education. We invite you to stay tuned for details regarding the 14th Annual Digital Education Summit!