Kaltura has launched a next generation video capture product, Kaltura Personal Capture. This tool will take the place of Kaltura’s Capture Space (a tool we currently use in conjunction with Blackboard) at the start of the Spring 2019 semester. The Capture Space software will no longer be updated and become unsupported in the coming year. Until then, both tools will be available inside Blackboard for SHSU faculty and student use.
The new capture tool comes with some added benefits:
- Kaltura Personal Capture give the end-user the power to capture both screen and webcam in just one click.
- It also contains an exciting new automatic slide detection feature - if someone has a PowerPoint presentation in presenter mode when recording the screen, the program automatically detects and captures it, making videos more searchable and discoverable.
- Kaltura Personal Capture will also gather metadata from slides and audio, which are made immediately searchable as well.
- Kaltura Personal capture will seamlessly upload new videos into the end-users’ my media folder for easy access within Blackboard courses, content areas, assignments, and activities.
For a quick look at the new tool visit the Kaltura Personal Video Capture page and watch the video. To get started using the Kaltura Personal Capture, check out our “In One Page” Kaltura Capture guide. For those interested in some hands-on time with the new tool, we will be offering faculty development sessions on Kaltura Personal Capture in November.