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Online Program Insights

Going from Good to Great: Rethinking Exceptional Course Design


In Academic Year 2021, SHSU Online partnered with the College of Criminal Justice to reimagine the design and delivery of online, undergraduate CJ courses. The result was a new online course design framework locally dubbed as “premium.”

Premium online course design has been a game-changer. Thus far, it has helped transform much of the passive learning experiences of courses originally developed 7-10 years ago, rendering a more exciting and interactive journey that captivates learners from start to finish.

What sets the premium course framework apart?

  • Engages learners: Premium online course design engages learners by creating an immersive and interactive learning experience that captures their attention and keeps them engaged throughout the course. This can lead to better learning outcomes and increased retention of information.
  • Enhances learning: Premium online course design enhances learning by providing a clear and structured learning path that guides learners through the material, reinforces key concepts, and encourages active learning and critical thinking.
  • Increases value: Premium online course design increases the perceived value of the course by providing high-quality content, interactive exercises, multimedia resources, and personalized feedback. This can make learners more likely to complete the course and recommend it to others.
  • Improves accessibility: Premium online course design improves accessibility by providing a user-friendly interface, accessible design features, and flexible delivery options that allow learners to access the course from anywhere, at any time, and on any device.
  • Builds credibility: Premium online course design builds credibility by demonstrating the expertise and professionalism of the course creators, as well as the Institution and College that offers the course. This can increase learner trust and confidence in the course content and the University that provides it.

By providing a well-structured and engaging learning path, premium course design is expected to boost learning outcomes and support learners with information retention. In addition to enhancing the learning experience, premium course design is also expected to add value. With top-quality content, dynamic multimedia resources, and personalized feedback, learners are expected to gain a sense of accomplishment and a newfound confidence in their abilities.

To learn more about premium online courses, or to request a redesign following the key design elements of the premium framework, please visit Premium Course Design Framework or email us today at to get started!