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How-To Sessions in February Focus on Engaging Students, Feedback, Grading and More

teachingmodesIn February, SHSU Online is offering multiple sessions to assist you in leading your online, hybrid, or web-enhanced Blackboard courses. These sessions are geared to assist you with engaging students, providing feedback, using Blackboard, and grading.

We are offering four face-to-face sessions at the University Plaza building this month, plus multiple online, self-paced options.

Face-to-Face Faculty Development Opportunities

  • Feedback Strategies for Success in Your Online Course
  • Blackboard Collaborate: Small Group Engagement
  • Blackboard Survival Guide
  • Blackboard Learn: Rubrics

See the session descriptions below for more information on the February how-to offerings.

February Session Descriptions

Feedback Strategies for Success in Your Online Course

Engagement in online courses is key for student success, teacher evaluation and the overall course experience. A great way to promote student engagement in your online course is to work on feedback. Students who receive regular feedback tend to perform better, and as a result have good opinions of their time in the course. There are many sound strategies for providing feedback in an online course. This session will cover a few key feedback strategies.

Blackboard Collaborate:  Small Group Engagement

This session covers how to leverage Blackboard Collaborate to encourage student engagement with small groups in your Blackboard course.

Blackboard Survival Guide

This course is geared to ensure you are alive and well after the start of the semester in your Blackboard course. Learn how to post announcements, send e-mail, create a Virtual Office, create Content Items, attach and upload files, and figure out the text editor.

Blackboard Learn: Rubrics

Participants will learn how to use the Rubric tool that lists evaluation criteria for an assignment, and provide a means to convey expectations to students for the quality of completed assignments. This session lasts approximately 60 minutes.

Visit our sign-up page to enroll today!