In keeping with previous notifications, Sam Houston State University is upgrading to Blackboard Learn Ultra (Bb Ultra) - the latest and greatest in learning management systems. We're going all-in on this advanced system and university leadership has decided that all courses will be delivered in the Ultra format beginning Fall 2024. This is going to take the Blackboard experience for our students, faculty, and staff to a whole new level.
So, what's so great about Bb Ultra? Consider the following:
- It's got a super sleek and modern design that's incredibly user-friendly. This means students will be more engaged, and common tasks for instructors have been made simpler.
- The functionality is top-notch. It's adaptable, works great on mobile, and has improved accessibility features.
- Get ready for a dynamic learning environment that'll keep everyone on their toes and help our students crush their academic goals.
We know that change can be a bit daunting, but don't worry - SHSU Online is here to support you as you move into the Ultra format. We're rolling out several support initiatives to make this transition as smooth as possible:
- Content Migration: SHSU Online will be providing assistance transitioning existing Bb courses to the new Ultra format. By Summer 2024, newly migrated courses will be ready for instructors to revise and personalize.
- Design Support: Personalized assistance will be available to help instructors tailor their new Ultra courses.
- Training: A variety of training options, including certification programs, webinars, and self-help resources, are being ramped up to equip instructors with the necessary skills for the upgraded system. As a bonus, check out the “So I Received My Converted Ultra Course, Now What?” podcast series for more help with the migrated course content. Questions about Ultra? Reach out to the Instructional Development team at facdev@shsu.edu.
- Around the Clock Technical Assistance: SHSU Online's Bb Support Desk, available 24/7, will provide ongoing technical support to ensure a smooth transition.
- Dedicated Website: A continuously updated website will offer relevant materials related to the upgrade.
- Instructor Support Org: Every instructor is enrolled in this just-in-time resource for all things Blackboard. Access webinar recordings, Ultra Quick Start guides, Ultra Video Tips and more. Visit the Organizations tab in Blackboard and select the Teaching Online with Blackboard - Instructor Support Org.
- Individual “How-to” Ultra Help: Need to know how to do something in Ultra, but don’t have time attend a webinar and can’t find the appropriate resource? Sign-up for one-on-on assistance with our “By Appointment” form.
We'll keep you posted as we move along with this process. If you have any questions or need a helping hand, don't hesitate to reach out to IDSupport@shsu.edu. We're here for you!